Synchronicity or Coincidence?

I have been thinking a lot about synchronicity lately. I used to refer to occurrences that I now consider synchronicities as coincidences. Synchronicity is described as a pattern of connection that works outside of or in addition to causality. It is a term said to first be coined by psychologist Carl Jung. Coincidence is described as a striking occurrence of two or more events at one time apparently by mere chance. 

Recently a friend of mine did an intuitive reading for me. I had a lot going on at the time, was feeling a bit off kilter and was hoping for some insight. The main thing she brought to my attention was Snake. Cobra in particular. When I reflected upon her reading nothing really registered at first but when I mentally backtracked over the last few weeks I began connecting the dots, so to speak.

 I realized that at that time I had a song on my mind that I had been singing over and over again for about a week. It's a song called 'Snake Charmer' by the band Bassnectar that is belly dance friendly music. The chorus repeats "A belly dancer, a snake charmer" many times throughout the song, in fact that is mostly what I was singing in almost a chant like manner. The song got me thinking about how much I missed belly dancing.

 Then I remembered a scene from a movie that I had watched about two weeks earlier which was the new version of the movie 'The Karate Kid' starring Will Smith's son Jaden. In the movie there is a scene where a woman is in a temple high up on a mountain doing either Tai Chi or Qigong--I am not entirely sure which--and was mesmerizing a Cobra. I was rivited by that scene, as I have always been intrigued by snake charming. 

Then I thought about three weeks back when my middle son who is 12 had a school band Spring concert (he plays the Cornet) and one of the songs they played was 'Snake Charmer'. You know the tune that accompanies the lyrics "There's a place in France where the naked ladies dance"...

So after all that ran through my mind I thought about how synchronistic it all seemed to be which inspired me to move our bronze finished Cobra statue from a shelf in our living room to my spiritual altar in our bedroom as a way of acknowledging that I was aware that Snake was showing up and was meaning something to me personally. I was aware of different ideas as far as what snake perhaps represents symbolically but decided that I would just try to be extra observant and see what might unfold.

Fast forward about a week after the intuitive reading and my moving of the Cobra statue to my altar. I was having my Reiki II attunement by my local Reiki teacher and the moment we finished we looked down to see her Tabby cat named Buttons with a Garter Snake in his mouth. It was the first Snake I had seen since last Autumn and Buttons placed it right at my feet! The snake was lying quite still on the floor between myself and the cat, with the exception of it's flickering tongue. I told my teacher that I believed that was meant for me so she gestured with her hands for me to go ahead. I slowly bent down and gently picked up the 10" or so long Snake. It appeared uninjured by Buttons so I calmly walked it outside and  placed it where I thought I would want to be set free if I were a Snake. Thankfully it did not feel threatened by me and so did not release its stinky secret weapon.

So now I am waiting to see if that was it or if there will be more Snake symbology or  appearances in my life. In a nutshell I feel certain that the symbolic messages were regarding my progress on my journey of learning and practicing healing arts as well as my return to a form of dance I very much love.

If you happen to track down the song I mentioned that was stuck in my head for an entire week and it gets stuck in yours too...don't blame me :-D
