Oh My WORD...

I love the above graphic. Although today happens to be page 20 of Chapter 2013. I love books and at times enjoy thinking of our lives as sentences, paragraphs, pages and chapters. If I were to give my chapter a title it would be...'Thrive'. Thrive is my personal keyword of choice for the calendar year of 2013.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines 'Thrive' as: 1) to grow vigorously; flourish. 2) to gain in wealth or possessions; prosper. 3) to progress toward or realize a goal despite or because of circumstances.

I definitely want to grow, flourish, prosper and progress. I absolutely want to thrive, not just survive each day. Regardless of what experiences or circumstances unfold minute to minute, hour to hour, day to day, week to week and month to month in this chapter of my life's journey. 

When I think of the word thrive I *see*...healthy houseplants, lush gardens, strong trees, a flowing river, a bird soaring, a child playing, a bowl of ripe fruit, a steaming cup of herb tea, a candle flame, sunlight and a woman dancing. Among other things.

When I say the word thrive I *feel*...energy, warmth, health, strength, peace, love, joy, creativity, beauty, gratitude and plenty.

Please take a moment if you will to close your eyes and take a nice deep breath or two or three. Say the word thrive as quietly or loudly as you'd like. How does it make you feel? Does any other word come to your mind? If so, how do you feel when you say that word? What is your word for Chapter 2013? I would LOVE to know.

~Wishing you Well~
