Every day May Not Be Good...

This week, two people I knew and cared about died. And both from the same type of Cancer. On one hand I am sad because they were both still young enough to experience more, learn more and teach more. On the other hand I am relieved that their poor bodies are no longer wasting away and their loved ones are no longer living on the edge of 'when'. Both friends were spiritual folks who understood that death is as natural as birth...cycles of life. But they had hoped that their health would somehow turn around. Their deaths have left me feeling like its more important than EVER to notice the GOOD experiences in life. To make even more of an effort to be grateful for all that is well and celebrate special occasions more. And worry much less about the challenging and stressful events. Toward the ends of their lives what mattered most was LOVE. Who they loved, what they loved about life and how much love they had shared.
 Today I am grateful...
~ That I am ALIVE. That my heart is beating. That I am breathing. That I am typing these words right now. I doubt that any of us truly knows what moment will be our last. Every day is special even if it feels as if there is no end in sight for challenging times.
~ That a bird I am rehabilitating seems to be 2/3 through his/her healing process. It was a fledgling with a wound on the base of its neck on the right side. It looked to be dying when I picked it up, it was so weak and unresponsive. I immediately passed Reiki to it with hands and breath. I cleansed the wound with Vetericyn very well.

When the Vetericyn dried, I thickly applied Country Comfort Herbal Savvy with a Cotton Swab.
I put the bird in a cat sized pet carrier/crate and made it a warm nest for comfort even though it was past the nesting stage. I covered the crate with a blue cloth (blue is one of the colors I like to use for healing) because dark is thought to be calming for birds. Their heartbeats and breath slow down. It also prevents them from seeing 'people' surroundings which can be stressful. I put it in our extra bathroom (its hospital room) and told my family to not disturb it. The next morning when I quietly checked on the bird it was up on its feet and hungry (good signs) although quite clumsy. I applied the Herbal Savvy healing salve every few days until a scab started to form. Once the scab formed the wound was closed and I stopped treating it but keeping an eye on it. I have been feeding it plenty of meal worms and berries since the bird's natural diet is insects and fruit. It is becoming more active and strong each week. I hope to release it soon.
~ That we have finally been having nice weather. Sunny and pleasantly warm weather. Summer arrived in August pretty much and its now early September. Our Tomatoes are thankfully now ripening, our 6' tall Sunflowers are beginning to bloom and our Pumpkins are increasing in size. Yay!
~ That our two younger sons (12 & 14) had a pretty smooth first week of school last week. Summer vacation coming to an end is never fun for them and I easily recall that being true for me as well during my school years. 
~ I am 'Earthing' again daily. Which means sitting or laying upon the ground (grass) to get my dose of Vitamin N (Nature). The last couple of weeks I have either spent less time doing so or skipping it which has not supported my well being. I am trying to figure out how to continue on with it when the LONG rainy season returns come October. 
~ Wishing you well until next time~
