Hurt No Living Thing...

"Hurt no living thing; Ladybird, nor butterfly, nor moth with dusty wing, nor cricket chirping cheerily, nor grasshopper so light of leap, nor dancing gnat, nor beetle fat,
nor harmless worms that creep." ~ Christina G. Rossetti

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Today I am grateful:

~ For receiving GOOD mail, as in no bills or junk mail. Yay! A package from my parents with some surprises, both needed and for fun. And my recent order from a supplement/vitamin company I order from which is in case you'd like to know.

~ For plants given to us from our friend September Hazel and her husband that own our local plant nursery. Our garden is coming together much more quickly thanks to their generosity.

~ For a break in the Spring showers so we could get more plants into the ground and spend time outside. Our puppy Willow had a blast digging in dirt and playing in the water from the hose.

~ That my new facial cleansing regimen of using organic Jojoba oil for removing any makeup and then washing my face with local raw organic Honey seems to really be improving my complexion. You would think the Honey would be too sticky and messy to use like this but it rinses off very easily and leaves my skin clean and feeling just right.

~ Wishing you well ~
