Vision Boards

Sunday Greetings Kind Readers :-)

Today I would like to write about Vision Boards sometimes referred to by other names such as Intention, Wish, Dream, Goal, Manifestation, etc...boards (or collages).

For those of you who may not be familiar with them, they are essentially a visual tool that you create displaying images, words and quotes that you have chosen to be symbolic of your intentions, goals and dreams that you would like to focus on manifesting in your life. They also re-affirm things that are important to you.

I have been creating them for 10 years now and I really enjoy them. I usually create them during January for the new Calendar year. I have recently finished mine for 2012, for the most part. There are still a few words or images I hope to find to complete it. So there is a little open space for adding those or something else that might resonate with me.


I collect images, words and quotes throughout the year that I cut out of magazines, catalogs and greeting cards that I feel I might want to use. Sometimes I will print something from the internet as well. I store them all in a small box or large envelope until its time to sort through them and decide which ones I feel like using. So after choosing which ones I will use I then choose my canvas.

My favorite canvas is usually just posterboard. Although some people like to use large Watercolor paper, bulletin boards (just pinning them on) and even wood (decoupage). Another idea that I tried one year is to use a 3-ring binder with several smaller Vision Boards inside created on card stock printer paper. This is a good idea for folks who travel a lot and want to bring theirs with them.

Once I have chosen my canvas I arrange the cut outs how I want them and glue them down with a simple glue stick which is what works best for me out of the glues I have tried.

When I glue mine down I like to incorporate some Feng Shui for some extra 'oomph' by arranging them based on the Bagua map (also referred to as the Bagua grid). So I imagine my board divided into the 9 sections of the Bagua. If you are not familiar with the Bagua you can easily find examples on the internet. You will see a variety since there are different traditions of Feng Shui so I encourage you to choose what feels right for you. I am NOT a Feng Shui master or expert and I am not a traditionalist. I have been experimenting with it for over a decade and have an eclectic and intuitive approach to it based on what feels right for me. I like Karen Kingston, Denise Linn and Tess Whitehurts's information on Feng Shui most as far as books go although you will find that even they vary with the Bagua.

I have found that Vision Boards can be quite powerful. Most especially when you place them where you will seem them on a very regular basis. As daily as possible. That could be on a wall in your bedroom so you see it when you wake up and go to sleep, over or on your altar if you have an altar, on the wall by your desk, on your fridge, etc. So give it some thought or try different spots until you find the spot that feels right for you. At a previous home of ours I would hang mine on the wall above the stove. So I would focus on it, in its entirety quite easily everytime I was using the stove. I found that quite potent for me and I just might hang this one there although I do have a mini altar there that I like a lot. We'll see.

I hope you give it a try if you haven't ever done so. Enjoy the creative process and the magick of manifesting that may very well result.

Blessings of Creativity & Transformation,
Feathered Spirit

 PS ~ I did post a youtube video on his subject if you are interested: 
